Excursion Whale Watching + Cayo Levantado from Punta Cana/Cap Cana ( Private Tour )
Whale watching in Samana bay starting from Punta Cana/Cap Cana hotels in Private transportation. This Trip starts between 6:00 – 8:00 Am and finishes around 7:00 Pm. After aborting our boat to visit the Whales in their own habitat. After this Whale trip we will visit Bacardi Island / Cayo Levantado (optional). In Bacardi Island, Lunch Buffet from a typical Dominican Style will be provided. When lunch is finished you are allowed to swim until 4:00 pm. Tour will be finished at the same port from where it will start at 5:00 pm. After this, we take you back to your hotel.
Note: This is a Private Tour with a minimum payment of 540 USD. If you are less then 4 people, please contact us and we will send you a link where you can book this Tour. To join a group for whale watching with pick up in your hotel please CLICK HERE.
- Whale Watching Private trip
- Ulaznice za opservatoriju
- Includes Buffet lunch on the beach
- Private Transfer from Hotels
- Private Boat Transfer
- Kapetan daje instrukcije i nadzor
- Tour Guide
Uključivanja i isključenja
- Buffet lunch on the beach
- Tour Guide
- Transfer Car
- Boat Trip
- Svi porezi, naknade i manipulativni troškovi
- Lokalne takse
- Beverages
- Napojnice
- Alcoholic Drinks
Odlazak i povratak
The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and finished at the meeting point.
Šta očekivati?
Uzmite svoje karte for a day Whale Watching private from Cap Cana to Samana bay, plus a wonderful lunch and beach time.
Daypass za promatranje kitova u organizaciji “Booking Adventures” počinje na mjestu susreta s vodičem. Ručak na plaži i možete ostati koliko god želite da se kupate. Ako ste vegan, možemo vam pripremiti i hranu.
Šta treba da ponesete?
- kamera
- Repelentni pupoljci
- krema za sunčanje
- Šešir
- Udobne pantalone
- Sandale za plažu
- Odjeća za kupanje
- Gotovina za suvenire
Hotel Pickup
Hotel pick-up is included for this tour. We Pick up in any hotel in Punta Cana/ Cap Cana area.
Bilješka: if you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Potvrda dodatnih informacija
- Ulaznice su račun nakon plaćanja ove turneje. Uplatu možete prikazati na svom telefonu.
- Mjesto sastanka će biti primljeno nakon procesa rezervacije.
- Djeca moraju biti u pratnji odrasle osobe.
- Pristup invalidskim kolicima
- Bebe moraju sjediti u krilu
- Većina putnika može učestvovati
Politika otkazivanja
Za puni povrat novca, otkažite najmanje 24 sata prije datuma početka iskustva.
Kontaktiraj nas?
Lokalno stanovništvo i Državljani Turistički vodiči i usluge za goste
Rezervacije: Obilasci i ekskurzije u Dom. Rep.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Mi smo fleksibilno postavljamo privatne ture putem Whatsappa: +18097206035.