Bike,Mangroves, Boat Trip, Caves and More.
Los Haitises Mountain Bike + Private Boat Trip
Ikuspegi orokorra
Travel with a local expert and get the unique experience of biking starting from Sabana de la Mar, this tour will take you around to see the beautiful landscape of the countryside of the Dominican Republic. As you ride your bike you will be able to say hi! the farmers riding their horses or motorbike to their property and during the tour, you will be able to emerge in the adventure and local culture from Sabana de la Mar. Some facts about Los Haitises: is one the largest limestone formation in the world, a place for the conservation of endemic species, Location with the majority of the biodiversity of the island and there is one of the largest mangrove forests of Quisqueya.
Inklusioak eta bazterketak
Itsasontzi Ibilaldia
1 Water bottle
First aids Kit
Zerga, tasa eta kudeaketa-gastu guztiak
Tokiko zergak
Ofizialak Ekologistak gidari turistikoak ingelesa/gaztelania
Irteera eta Itzulera
The tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finished at our meeting points.
Zer espero?
Get your ticket for Biking and Boating from Sabana de la Mar
This Excursion starts from the meeting point you must confirm with our travel Agents or your Tour Tour Guide before heading to any location. Once you meet your guide you’ll have debriefed of the tour and everything related to your day.
When everyone is ready we’ll head to Los Haitises National Park port where you’ll start boating at Cano Hondo river which ends in San Lorenzo Bay, this is a small bay of only 10 Km2 and for two hours you’ll emerge yourself in the different ecosystems of Los Haitises.
During this part of your trip you will navigate around the mangrove forest which is the second largest on the island with more than 90 Km2 and when you get to San Lorenzo Bay you’ll see Samana Peninsula and Bay.
While you are on there is the possibility of seeing some dolphins, birds like the Blue Heron, Grey Heron, Crows, Brown Pelican, Royal Tern, Magnificent Frigatebird and the unique views of Los Haitises National Park. After 4 hours and half hours of activities in Los Haitises National Park and Sabana de la Mar, this excursion ends in the same place as it started.
Note: These tours are with Officials Ecologist tour guides. Please Book with time because in the park there are not too many specialists.
Zer ekarri behar duzu?
- kamera
- Kimuak uxatzeko
- eguzkitako krema
- Txapela
- Praka erosoak
- Running Shoes
- Sandals for the kayaking
- Igeriketa arropa
- Towels
Hoteleko bilketa
Bisita honetarako ez da hoteleko bilketa eskaintzen.
Ohar: Txangoaren irteera ordutik 24 orduko epean erreserbatzen baduzu, hoteleko bilketa antola dezakegu aparteko karguekin. Erosketa amaitutakoan, harremanetarako informazio osoa bidaliko dizugu (telefono zenbakia, helbide elektronikoa, etab.) gure tokiko Tour gidari bilketa-antolaketak antola ditzan.
Informazio gehigarria berrespena
- Sarrerak Tour hau ordaindu ondoren ordainagiria dira. Ordainketa zure telefonoan erakutsi dezakezu.
- Topagunea Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren jasoko da.
- Haurrak heldu batekin joan behar dira.
- Ez dago gurpil-aulkirako sarbidea
- Haurrak magalean eseri behar dira
- Ez da gomendagarria bizkarreko arazoak dituzten bidaiarientzat
- Ez da gomendagarria haurdun dauden bidaiarientzat
- Ez dago bihotzeko arazorik edo beste baldintza mediko larririk
- Bidaiari gehienek parte har dezakete
Baliogabetze politika
Itzulketa osoa lortzeko, bertan behera utzi esperientziaren hasiera data baino 24 ordu lehenago gutxienez.
Jarri gurekin harremanetan?
Erreserba Abenturak
Bertakoak eta Nazionalak Bisita-gidak eta gonbidatuentzako zerbitzuak
Erreserbak: Bisitak eta txangoak Dom. Rep.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Whatsapp bidez bisita pribatuak ezartzen malguak gara: +18097206035.