Mangroves, Kayaks, Caves and more.
Mangroves Reforestation in Los Haitises With Locals
Kayaking Mangroves in Los Haitises National Park with a local tour guide 4 Hours. In the Los Haitises National Park, close to Sabana de la Mar, there are 98 km2 of mangrove forest. You will see several open spots in the national park and these spots needs to be reforested again. In 1998, the hurricane George destroyed many areas of mangroves and can not restore by themselves. We hope that with a growing mangrove forest, more animals will inhabit the area, and ecotourism can provide an income for the local people.
Iekļaušana un izslēgšana
- Kayaking trip
- 50 Mangroves seedlings
- Caves tours
- Visi nodokļi, nodevas un apstrādes izmaksas
- Vietējie nodokļi
- Vietējais ceļvedis
- Dzeramnaudas
- Pārsūtīšana
- Lunch is not included
- Alkoholiskie dzērieni
Izbraukšana un atgriešanās
Pēc Rezervācijas procesa ceļotājs iegūs tikšanās vietu. Ekskursijas sākas un beidzas mūsu tikšanās punktos.
Ko sagaidīt?
First we take kayaks and heading around 30 min to areas, where we will collect the mangroves seeds. While kayaking we pass the mangroves swamps and Cano Hondo river. After that, you see plenty of mangrove seeds washed up by the sea. The seeds we find are red mangroves.
We will collect these seeds and going to open spots in the national park which needs to be reforested again. We will show you how to plant the mangroves and explain you why it is so important. Then you will have the opportunity to plant the mangroves yourself and enjoy the good feeling by helping the nature. This Tour is for everyone who wants to enjoy the time in the nature, learn new things, meet new people and help to the nature.
Every person can plant around 50 seedlings. We are planting in a moody area so we recommend to bring waterproof shoes.
When we finish to plant the mangroves we continue to the famous cave swimming in clean water to wash ourselves from the mood in a secret of the cave and learning about the origins Tainos people who lived here 600 years ago.
On our way back you can see from kayaks the endemic birds, Limestone formation islands, endemic orchids which you can see only in Los Haitises park and others. The way back takes around 45 min and finish at the main port in the park where the experience start. Through the mangroves and Land at the open San Lorenzo Bay, from where you can photograph the rugged forest landscape. Look to the water to spot Lamantīni, vēžveidīgie un Delfīni.
Kas jāņem līdzi?
- kameru
- Atbaidoši pumpuri
- sauļošanās krēms
- Cepure
- Ērtas bikses
- Sandals or Shoes for muddy areas.
- Peldēšanas apģērbs
Saņemšana viesnīcā
Saņemšana viesnīcā šajā ceļojumā netiek piedāvāta.
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Papildu informācijas apstiprinājums
- Biļetes ir kvīts pēc šīs ekskursijas apmaksas. Jūs varat parādīt maksājumu savā tālrunī.
- Tikšanās vieta tiks saņemta pēc rezervācijas procesa.
- Bērniem jābūt pieaugušo pavadībā.
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- Lielākā daļa ceļotāju var piedalīties
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