Los Haitises National Park & Bacardi Island
Los Haitises National Park and Cayo Levantado From Sabana de la Mar
Los Haitises National Park and Cayo Levantado From Sabana de la Mar
Pick up in Your Hotel at Sabana de La Mar on comfortable transfer to Los Haitises National Park From Punta Cana plus Lunch at Bacardi Island. Come with us and visit the most beautiful national park of the Dominican Republic, Visiting Mangroves, Caves and San Lorenzo Bay plus crossing the gorgeous Samaná bay. To Visit Bacardi island, have lunch at the beach and Swimming in one of the most pretty beaches in Samaná Bay. After this
After this experience, you will get Back to Sabana de la mar.
- Төлбөр багтсан
- Lunch at Bacardi island included
- The guide provides instruction and Supervision
Оруулсан болон хассан зүйлс
Оруулсан зүйлс
- Los Haitises Tour + Caves and Pictographs
- Boat Trip
- Lunch at Cayo Levantado ( Bacardi Island) if you will like similar tour: Los Haitises + Caño Hondo
- All taxes, fees, and handling charges
- Орон нутгийн татвар
- Beverages
- Бүх үйл ажиллагаа
- Орон нутгийн хөтөч
Үл хамаарах зүйл
- Өргөдөл
- Согтууруулах ундаа
Явах & Буцах
The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finish in our meeting points.
Los Haitises National Park and Cayo Levantado From Sabana de la Mar
Юу хүлээх вэ?
Visiting Los Haitises National Park with a wonderful lunch at Cayo Levantado island and Swimming at the beach. Starting from Sabana de la mar areas to take a Boat with a Local tour guide visiting Samana bayside and one of the most beautiful national parks of the Dominican Republic. The Haitises National Park.
The tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at hotels in Punta Cana with transportation. Come with Booking Adventures and start checking some bird-filled mangroves, rolling hills of lush vegetation and caves of Los Haitises National Park. Visiting Island with birds around. In the nesting season, we can even see the Pelecanos chicks on the nests. Getting more inside of the Rocky Islands and visiting the Caves with pictographs and petrographs from the indigenous people.
Through the mangroves and Land at the open San Lorenzo Bay, from where you can photograph the rugged forest landscape. Look to the water to spot Manatees, crustaceans, and dolphins.
Caves in Los Haitises National Park
The national park’s name comes from its original inhabitants, the Taino Indians. In their language “Haitises” translates to highlands or Hills, a reference to the coastline’s steep geological formations with Limestones. Adventure deeper into the park to explore caves such as the Cueva de la Arena болон Cueva de la Línea.
Caves in the reserve were used as shelter by the Taino Indians and, later, by hiding pirates. Look for drawings by Indians that decorate some of the walls. After visiting Los Haitises National Park we will go back to Samaná port passing Samaná bay 30 min and visiting Bacardi island. We will have a typical lunch on the island. If you are vegan no worries we also have food for you!
After swimming full afternoon and chilling on the beach our tour guide will set time to go back to Sabana de la mar port.
In Case you will like this trip longer or Shorter we have these options:
- Just Los Haitises from Samaná Port.
- Los Haitises + Caño Hondo from Samaná Port.
Та юу авчрах ёстой вэ?
- камер
- Зэвүүн нахиа
- нарны тос
- Малгай
- Тав тухтай өмд
- Ойд зориулсан явган аялалын гутал
- Хаврын бүс рүү шаахайнууд.
- Усанд сэлэх хувцас
Зочид буудлаас авах
Hotel pick-up is no offered for this tour.
Жич: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrange hotel pick-up with extra Cost. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Нэмэлт мэдээллийн баталгаажуулалт
- Тасалбар нь энэ аялалыг төлсний дараа баримт юм. Та утсан дээрээ төлбөрөө харуулах боломжтой.
- Уулзалтын цэгийг захиалгын дараа хүлээн авна.
- Хүүхдүүд насанд хүрсэн хүнтэй хамт байх ёстой.
- Тэргэнцэр ашиглах боломжгүй
- Нярай хүүхэд өвөр дээрээ суух ёстой
- Нурууны өвчтэй аялагчдад зөвлөдөггүй
- Жирэмсэн зорчигчдод хэрэглэхийг зөвлөдөггүй
- Зүрхний асуудал болон бусад ноцтой эмгэг байхгүй
- Ихэнх аялагчид оролцох боломжтой
Цуцлах бодлого
For a full refund, cancel at least 74 hours in advance of the start date of the experience. Funds will be lost if the reservation is canceled the same day of the trip.
Бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу?
Адал явдал захиалах
Нутгийнхан болон Үндэсний хүмүүс Аялал жуулчлалын хөтөч ба зочдын үйлчилгээ
Захиалга: Дом.Рап дахь аялал, аялал.
Утас/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Бид Whatsapp-ын уян хатан тохируулгатай хувийн аялал юм. +18097206035.